Urban Alliance for Adult Literacy
Greenhouse Meetings (Webinars)
and other Presentations
Cultural festival, U.S. Capitol, Washington DC. Photo by Paul Jurmo
The Urban Alliance for Adult Literacy (formerly Urban CAFÉ) has hosted the following Greenhouse Meetings (webinars) that have been recorded and/or for which there are links to slides. Each Greenhouse Meeting includes an opportunity for questions, comments and conversations. For more information, contact us at urbanallianceforadultliteracy@gmail.com.
Topics to date have included:
How AFE Can Support Equitable Workforce and Economic Development, presented by Paul Jurmo, Consultant in Adult Foundational Education development, Washington, D.C. January 17, 2023. Slides
The GOAL Collective, an AFE collective impact model in Nashville, Tennessee, presented by its Associate Executive Director, Ameshica Linsey. February 7, 2023. Slides (Note: Scroll down to see slides; don't open with Google Docs.)
The Digital Equity Act, Presented by Amanda Bergson-Shilcock, Senior Fellow at the National Skills Coalition. March 21, 2023. Slides Recording of presentation (Note: if you cannot play the recording, download and then open it with an mp4 player such as the free VLC media player.)
The Houston Texas Adult Literacy Initiative, presented by Federico Salas-Isnardi, Director of the Mayor's Office for Adult Literacy. April 18, 2023. Slides Recording of Presentation (Note: You may want to download and play the recording from your desktop with an mp4 player such as the free VLC media player.)
An Introduction to Urban Adult Foundational Education Coalitions presented by Urban Alliance Steering Committee members: David J. Rosen; President, Newsome Associates, Boston, MA; Paul Jurmo, consultant in Adult Foundational Education development, Washington, D.C.; Laureen Atkins-Holliday, Vice President of Strategic Initiatives at The Literacy Cooperative, Cleveland Ohio; Melissa Moore, Executive Director at Read Muskegon; and Steve Hannum, Community Outreach Manager at The Literacy Council, Birmingham, AL. April 22, 2024. Recording of presentation.
Community-Oriented Adult Foundational Education in Urban Areas presented by Paul Jurmo, consultant in Adult Foundational Education development, Washington, D.C. and Jessica Tomkins, Chief Operating Officer at Literacy New Jersey. May 29, 2024. Slides Recording of Presentation with chat (note: the recording requires this password: *UK4@Qk& ), summary, transcripted segments, and next steps (Note: you may want to download and play the recording from your desktop with an mp4 player.)
Family Literacy for Stronger Urban Communities presented by Anna Kaiper-Marquez,Director of Family Literacy at National Center for Families Learning and Melissa Moore, Executive Director at Read Muskegon and Urban Alliance Steering Committee member. June 17, 2024. Zoom recording of presentation with slides, Audio Transcript, Chat Messages and more. https://us06web.zoom.us/rec/share/ziBfO9VW4FUIgogwFS8mi170Muma-KtWMuj-jwhbvNnvXy3v9Z6rFyA2PQzjyQ-D.fcTEjRmSnekYBMeS?startTime=1718643690000 Passcode: +8YnZ^*1 Link to the slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/18UeD8rB7PEFmPeEP2lAUAYRE-dNNId5O/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=106592927434776080960&rtpof=true&sd=true
Digital Equity Act funds available now: What adult educators need to know, presented by Amanda Bergson-Shilcock, Senior Fellow, National Skills Coalition. August 26, 2024. Zoom recording of presentation with slides. Slides
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