Urban Alliance for Adult Literacy

Greenhouse Meetings (Webinars)      

and other Presentations

Cultural festival, U.S. Capitol, Washington D.C. 

Upcoming Greenhouse Meetings (webinars)

Jan 29, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Eastern Time (Presentations 12:00 - 1:00, Discussion 1:00 - 1:30)


Registration link:



How Urban AFE Networks Support Immigrant and Refugee Communities: Updates from Roanoke, Virginia and Grand Rapids, Michigan



Representatives of two urban adult foundational education networks or partnerships will describe the immigrant and refugee communities they try to support, how those networks are working with partners to serve them and lessons the partnerships have learned along the way. This follows up on two Urban Alliance immigration-focused Greenhouse Meetings (Webinars) held on October 11 and 18, 2024. (See Past Recorded Greenhouse Meetings below for recordings.)



Ahoo Salem, Ph.D: Ahoo is the Executive Director of Blue Ridge Literacy (BRL), a non-profit organization based in the Roanoke, Virginia, Main Library that leverages partnerships to provide English literacy services and to bridge informational gaps for adults in Southwest Virginia. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Milan University, Italy, specializing in immigrant integration and equitable resource access.


Wendy VerHage Falb, Ph.D: Wendy is the Executive Director of the Literacy Center of West Michigan, the largest CBO for adult literacy in Michigan serving 1300 adults annually. Deeply committed to equitable educational outcomes for all, Wendy served as president of the Grand Rapids Public Board of Education as well as on other civic and community boards. Wendy has a Ph.D. in English from Michigan State University, specializing in poetry and cultural theory.

Upcoming Greenhouse Meetings (webinars)

Next one currently anticipated in March 2025. Check back at end of February for more information.

Past Recorded Greenhouse Meetings (webinars)

The Urban Alliance for Adult Literacy (formerly Urban CAFÉ) has hosted the following recorded Greenhouse Meetings (webinars). You will find links below to the recordings, and/or to slides that were presented. Each Greenhouse Meeting included an opportunity for questions, comments and conversations. For more information, contact us at urbanallianceforadultliteracy@gmail.com 

Topics to date, (most recent listed first) have included:

Presented Jan 29, 2025 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Eastern Time 


The (three sets of) slides will be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1n84FkYmORV5AZndj7zP4auKH8GhLVZiq?usp=sharing 

A recording of the webinar, unfortunately, is not available.


Representatives of two urban adult foundational education networks or partnerships will describe the immigrant and refugee communities they try to support, how those networks are working with partners to serve them and lessons the partnerships have learned along the way. This follows up on two Urban Alliance immigration-focused Greenhouse Meetings (Webinars) held on October 11 and 18, 2024. (See Past Recorded Greenhouse Meetings below for recordings.)



Ahoo Salem, Ph.D: Ahoo is the Executive Director of Blue Ridge Literacy (BRL), a non-profit organization based in the Roanoke, Virginia, Main Library that leverages partnerships to provide English literacy services and to bridge informational gaps for adults in Southwest Virginia. She holds a Ph.D. in Sociology from Milan University, Italy, specializing in immigrant integration and equitable resource access.


Wendy VerHage Falb, Ph.D: Wendy is the Executive Director of the Literacy Center of West Michigan, the largest CBO for adult literacy in Michigan serving 1300 adults annually. Deeply committed to equitable educational outcomes for all, Wendy served as president of the Grand Rapids Public Board of Education as well as on other civic and community boards. Wendy has a Ph.D. in English from Michigan State University, specializing in poetry and cultural theory.

Presented on January 17, 2025 1:00 - 2:30 Eastern time 

Link to Recording: 


Link to slides: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OPtkT2VIiwdC0o9F2avtfD2g1p63Z_ei?usp=sharing 


This is the first in a series of Greenhouse Meetings (webinars) about advocacy, e.g. strategies our field uses to generate financial support for our work from public (local, state or federal government) and non-governmental sources. This one features AFE organizations at state and urban levels that have successfully generated such supports. 



Ira Yankwitt has taught high school equivalency, managed a community-based adult literacy program, and trained teachers and administrators. He is a longtime adult literacy advocate. Prior to becoming the Executive Director of the Literacy Assistance Center in 2012, he was the Executive Director of Program Initiatives for the New York City Department of Education’s Office of Adult and Continuing Education. He plays a lead role in the New York City Coalition for Adult Literacy (NYCCAL), and he is the architect of the LAC’s Literacy & Justice Initiative, a project designed to align adult literacy education with broader movements for civil rights, human rights, and racial and economic justice.


Roberta Soolman is Executive Director of Literacy Volunteers of Massachusetts (LVM), the state’s leading provider of free, confidential and individualized tutoring to adults in basic literacy and ESOL.  She is Board President of the Massachusetts Coalition for Adult Education, and she has successfully led advocacy efforts to increase state funding for adult basic education which is currently at $59 million. She is also an elected member of the Massachusetts ABE Directors’ Council and has served on numerous policy task forces and committees for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. 


Patrick Brown is the Director of Adult Student Attainment Strategy at the Michigan College Access Network and former Executive Director of the Michigan Adult, Community and Alternative Education Association, an advocacy organization that promotes the importance of adult, alternative, community education and integrated education and training across Michigan. In his role at MACAE he successfully advocated for a statewide initiative that now provides public funding for not-for-profit adult literacy organizations.

Presented October 18, 2024 by Benjamin Forman from MassINC and Dr. Kerry Spitzer from the Donahue Institute at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. The recording, transcript, chat and audio file will be found at: 



If needed, the passcode is: 2=ktwfiu


If needed, the Passcode is D%.6?BeF  

Poster seen at community garden in Washington, DC. 

Poster seen outside DCity Smokehouse in Washington, DC.